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  • Prepositions Unpacked: Mastering the Dativ and Akkusativ Divide

Prepositions Unpacked: Mastering the Dativ and Akkusativ Divide

Struggling to know when to use Dativ and when to use Akkusativ? we have you covered with some simple rules :)

Hallo zusammen and welcome back to this week’s edition of Kaffee Klatsch, your weekly newsletter for all things when it comes to learning German! As we dive into our second issue, we’re thrilled to see our community growing, fueled by the shared goal of improving our German language skills 🇩🇪

This week, we're zooming in on a crucial aspect of German grammar that often puzzles learners: the use of prepositions with the Dativ and Akkusativ cases. Understanding this can dramatically improve your fluency and confidence in German, and we're here to guide you through it, step by step. So grab your coffee und Los geht's!

Grammar Highlight of the Week: Relative Clauses in German

For anyone learning German, the Dativ and Akkusativ cases always emerge as challenging topics. Often, the hardest part is simply knowing when to use them.

But fear not! thankfully, there are some rules that can assist us! This section assumes you already have some background knowledge of the dativ and akkusativ. Here is a good article if you want a refresh :-)

The way we can determine which case to use is often identified by the preposition used. For many prepositions, this isn't too much help, as the case depends on the sentence. However, thankfully, some always take either Dativ or Akkusativ.

Akkusativ prepositions

The 7 prepositions that always take akkusativ are durch, für, gegen, ohne, um, bis and entlang no matter what

Here is an example of each:

  • durch (through)

    Example: Wir laufen durch den Wald. (We are walking through the forest.)

  • für (for):

    Example: Dieses Geschenk ist für dich. (This gift is for you.)

  • gegen (against)

    Example: Er spielt gegen den Champion. (He is playing against the champion.)

  • ohne (without)

    Example: Ich gehe ohne meinen Bruder. (I am going without my brother.)

  • um (around, at)

    Example: Wir laufen um das Gebäude. (We are walking around the building.)

  • bis (until, by)

    Example: Die Aufgabe muss bis zum 15. März fertig sein. (The task must be finished by March 15th.)

  • entlang (along)

    Example: Gehe diesen Weg entlang. (Go along this path.) Note: entlang is often placed after the noun it refers to.

Dativ Prepositions

The 9 prepositions that always take dativ are aus, außer, von, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, zu and gegenüber no matter what.

Here is an example of each:

  • aus (from, out of)

    Example: Er kommt aus dem Haus. (He is coming out of the house.)

  • außer (except for, besides)

    Example: Außer mir war niemand da. (Besides me, there was no one there.)

  • bei (at, near, with)

    Example: Ich wohne bei meinen Eltern. (I live with my parents.)

  • mit (with)

    Example: Ich gehe mit meinem Freund. (I am going with my friend.)

  • nach (after, to)

    Example: Nach dem Essen fühle ich mich immer müde. (I always feel tired after eating.)

  • seit (since)

    Example: Er arbeitet seit dem Morgen ohne Pause. (He has been working since the morning without a break.)

  • von (from, of)

    Example: Das Geschenk ist von meiner Schwester. (The gift is from my sister.)

  • zu (to)

    Example: Ich gehe zum (zu dem) Arzt. (I am going to the doctor.)

  • gegenüber (across from, opposite):

    Example: Ich sitze ihm gegenüber. (I am sitting opposite him.)

You will find that by memorizing these prepositions, you'll cover a wide range of scenarios where the choice between Dativ and Akkusativ is necessary, significantly reducing your chances of making errors when speaking.

TV Spotlight 📺

One of the most effective strategies to accelerate your language learning journey is by engaging with comprehensible input. This approach involves immersing yourself in content that is just slightly above your current level of understanding, allowing you to grasp and learn new concepts naturally.

In this section, we're excited to share a curated list of resources perfect for this purpose.

Kicking things off, we recommend "Türkish für Anfänger" for intermediate learners.

Description: "Türkish für Anfänger" (Turkish for Beginners) is a German comedy television series that premiered in 2006. The show centers around the chaotic life of the Schneider-Öztürk family, which is formed through the marriage of a German mother, Doris, and a Turkish father, Metin. This blending of cultures provides a humorous and sometimes poignant exploration of the challenges and joys of a multi-cultural family living in Berlin. Through the eyes of the teenage daughter, Lena, viewers navigate the complexities of identity, love, and family dynamics. The show cleverly uses cultural stereotypes and language barriers to craft its humor, making it an excellent tool for German language learners seeking to immerse themselves in a contemporary, culturally rich environment. "Türkish für Anfänger" is celebrated for its witty dialogue, engaging storylines, and the way it addresses cultural integration and identity in modern-day Germany.

Suitable for: B1 level +

Genre: Sit-Com Comedy

Available on: Netflix, Prime, Apple (VPN to Germany may be needed)

Culture Corner 🥨 - Waldeinsamkeit

The term "Waldeinsamkeit" combines "Wald" (forest) with "Einsamkeit" (solitude), capturing the peaceful bliss of being alone in the woods. This distinctly German concept speaks to a deep connection with nature, highlighting the country's love for hiking, forest walks, and outdoor activities. It reflects a cultural appreciation for the quiet tranquility nature offers, providing a space for reflection and a desire for moments of peaceful solitude. Through "Waldeinsamkeit," one finds balance and rejuvenation amidst the forest, reconnecting with the earth and the simple joys of solitude in nature.

Weekly Wortzschatz

Beginner (A1 / A2)

  1. der Hund (the dog)

  2. die Katze (the cat)

  3. das Zimmer (the room)

  4. der Garten (the garden)

  5. die Schule (the school)

  6. das Wetter (the weather)

  7. der Freund/ die Freundin (the friend)

  8. die Straße (the street)

  9. das Bild (the picture)

  10. der Kaffee (the coffee)

Intermediate (B1/B2)

  1. der Einfluss (the influence)

  2. die Gelegenheit (the opportunity)

  3. das Gleichgewicht (the balance)

  4. die Leidenschaft (the passion)

  5. der Umstand (the circumstance)

  6. die Verantwortung (the responsibility)

  7. das Verständnis (the understanding)

  8. die Wirtschaft (the economy)

  9. der Wettbewerb (the competition)

  10. die Zustimmung (the agreement)

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